Sorry this turned out to be more than a Trilogy haha... well, 4 parts ain't that bad a thing either right? This will definitely be the last part, so long as I don't get exhausted doing it and require another part later on =P.
Now... what's HK without the food right? We didn't photograph most of what we ate or saw because we were too busy eating of course, but we'll share some of the good stuff here =)

The number one thing that you gotta do... is yam cha. Simply the best, especially the Zhu Chang Fen, the porridge, the har gow, the everything heheee

<--- Xu Liu Shan... good stuff, especially if you love mango ;). I'm sure many people love mango. The dessert shops are spread out everywhere that its not hard to find. Definitely Mango Heaven.

The very yummy and really very yummy 雙皮燉奶. Sounds weird.. steamed milk, but it really tastes good --->

<--- Roasted pigeon hahahah. Ok, bad joke... but it was a really cute pigeon sleeping on the stairs of a park we passed by. They've got really fat pigeons over there, being chased all around by kids.

Some food from the 'roadsides', since there aren't anymore true roadside stalls now in HK. Yu Dan (Fishballs) and Siew Mai... still munching on the fishballs now hehee because what you see, is what we brought back to S'pore =P --->
買東西吃東西, 有東西吃, 當然也有東西買啦!
Flooded with lots of heeren and far east like shops everywhere... we came across this very amazing (to me its amazing =P) shop that sells only doraemon products. I even bought doraemon picks hehehe (but from a different store).. just at a time when SH said, we will never be able to find doraemon picks. The miracles of HK!
If you don't like doraemon, you can skip right to the last section hehe.
Here you are, the doraemon special feature!! I'll let the images speak for themselves...

As they say, we always save the best for last...
Remember our little friend pookie from Part 2? Yup, he's the main character of our biggest adventure in HK. We'll like to call it,
The MisAdventures of Pookie
It all started with us going up to the peak to see the sunset. As it was still early, we went to grab a cup of coffee... and nothing strange yet about having coffee (to an excellent view)...

Thats when we decided that the bear we brought along to HK, should have his own photo taken against the very nice nightsky of HK (really bad idea... really...). Don't try this at home, at the peak, at the top floor of the effiel towel, at 101 or at the petronas tower...
Well, anyway, we attempted and got this photo... a blur one.
Why? because at the next instant, a strong gust of wind came along. What effect does strong wind have on a very light weight object like pookie? No prizes for guessing....
Pookie fell off the ledge, backwards =_=
And he didn't just fall, he bouched off the first layer of grass, down to a further patch of grass, out of reach, but still in sight (that was definitely the worse feeling ever...).
We brainstormed for ways to rescue him up.. gathered brooms from the bushes around the area, even a dustpan..but none were long enough. We even found a rope tied nearby and contemplated climbing down, but that was just a passing thought (for that instant at least...)! Instead.. we decided to head into the supermarket in the building nearby in search of some tape or anything that could 'scoop' him up.
Not able to find any scotchtape... we gave up brainstorming after a while and decided we should leave the peak in search of other possible 'rescue tools' and come back the next day.
More ideas came to our minds... even climbing down (yes the same crazy idea again!), just that this time, we thought we should use moutaineering ropes and hooks. We found a mountaineering store with the help of the free internet at Zhong Huan's MTR station, but decided against buying anything when we realised everything was so expensive.
As we were going back to our hostel, we passed by a hardware store and just thought we should try out luck there. Not only did we find scotchtape, we found a very curious and interesting tool. Don't really know what it should be called, but its like a fork that can clamp objects up (something like what people use to pick up rubbish).. you'll see it in the next photo hehe.
Anyway, to cut things short, we woke up at 6am the next day and was up at the peak by around 7plus. There were people jogging, dogs being taken on walks and a sweeper looking at 2 very weird people (thinking that they are trying to commit suicide). Or maybe he was just wondering why we were hogging all the brooms....
After the very curious sweeper left, SH came up with the idea to try to join the clamp like tool, to the end of a broom and attach lots of scotchtape to the end of the fork.. so that he could 'stick' pookie to it. Erm.. I don't think I'm making much sense (feeling hungry while typing this heheh).. but maybe these photos will help you understand better!

I really never thought he would stick well, but it really did happen. Out he came from the grass, after a night of being in the dark and cold of the peak.
Of course, we decided, we ought to leave that useful tool behind, for the next person who comes along and drops something precious to them. Or maybe we are the only silly people who will drop something like a bear down the slopes of the peak and find stupid ways to retrieve it =P
Pookie is now safe and sound at home. He has also since, learnt how to parachute (should he fall off a cliff again), as you will see below.
That was a little too much of the peak in one trip to HK.. but its a misadventure that will definitely stick in my mind for a long time to come.
Finally done with my very very very long blog entry of HK. Hope it was entertaining =P
Xie Xie Da Jia *bow*