Monday, January 30, 2006

The guide to house visiting chitter chatter


1) Understanding the daily life of the person

- For the children... How is school? What course are you doing?
(Especially the little children, it is common that someone will exclaim, "so fast! you are in primary 3 already?")

- For the youths.... Are you Working or Studying? Working... where? How is the job?
(And if you are working, most answers will be, good.. then your parents can have it easier now)

- For the adults... Are you still working at the same place? Have you found a new job?
(Then both adults will continue in their gibber about how terrible work is, but much better than being bored at home)

2) Understanding the marital status of the person

- For those who already attached. When are you getting married?

- For those who are unattached. Do you have a bf / gf ? When are you getting married? (the ever useful question, ain't it?)

3) Understanding the food you are putting into your mouth

- Did you make this yourself? Ya, those sold outside are not as good... (blih blah, chatter chatter)

- How did you make this? What's the ingredients that you used? (starts to exchange recipes)

- How come your new year goodie tastes better than the one I made? (chomp chomp chomp... eats the goodies away)


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