Thursday, September 20, 2007

The moon is blue...

because I'm blogging again!!

This has been a very turbulent year.
with loved ones plagued with illnesses...
with friends around me getting married and having children...
with my best colleagues resigning from their job...

Yet 2007 has taught me a lot.

I learnt to understand how ambitions should come after those you care for.
As important as work may be, it should never take the place of a loved one.

But being the person I am, I still can't give up my responsibilities at work.
So, I am contemplating to leave my job.

The job that I believed so hard in...
The job I never dreamed I would get when I took the risk to leave NUS and take up the course at SAE.
The job that was one in a 4 million population of Singapore.
The job that my family discouraged me from accepting because of the unbelievably low pay that was an 'insult' to my educational achievements.
The job that I loved and still love so much because of the people I've met, the great friends I've made, an understanding boss that I probably cannot find easily in another job, and the many opportunities I've been given.
And for simply being a job that engulfs me in music.... the one thing that defines my life.

Ironically, it is not my idea of how music should be.
Music should be free...
It need not be perfect, but it should have a soul.

Unfortunately, it is not as glam as others make it out to be.
Its what you'll probably call.... feeling 'imbalanced'.
(when job responsibilities and workload exceeds the financial rewards)

Truthfully, it takes up too much of my time and energy..
That i'm afraid to make appointments with friends.. for fear of 'flying their kite' time and again.
That I have to make my bf on standby mode everyday, not knowing if I need to work overtime.
That I do not have enough time back home to talk to my parents, because I always return home to a dark and quiet house.

Sadly, my good friends are leaving too.
The place just loses it's meaning...
No more 'seesaw' trips.
No more pigout lunches.
No more catered breakfasts.
No more crazy laughter in the office and along the corridoors.
No more trying to record ourselves singing when everyone else is not around.
No more late night sessions of printing, packing, pasting and all sorts of art and craft.

I guess, all good things must come to an end.
But at least we all gained this great friendship.

Then we would never regret coming here. Because we all fulfilled a part of our own dreams here.
Let's move on and not look back.

To 天使, Bear and 雪人, I love you girls!!! =)

俗辣萬歲, 萬萬歲,!
Never forget our moto, 堅持到底!!!


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