Wednesday, January 11, 2006


We always have to look beyond a shiny exterior...

So much I cannot say, so much that people don't know. Why can't I say? I don't know why either...

Why do I just go through day by day, wondering when the next storm will hit me? Why am I taking it solely onto myself?

Its a blessing to give rather than to receive. But what is this blessing? Isn't a blessing a form of receiving something as well? Receiving need not be in the same form as what is given out, I never expected the same proportion of what I give out, to be returned to me. I know it can never be possible, but humans are all greedy aren't they? To be able to only give and not expect anything in return, would be far beyond my humanly abilities. I am doing my best all the time to give you everything you want, above what I want. But at times, there are just the little things that I want as well....

I have a mouth to tell and fingers to type, but yet I can't tell. Things I have to live day by day in silence, like nothing is wrong all the time. Its probably even wrong that I'm typing this entry.

I guess I'm stupid. Maybe it will feel better just knowing that I'm stupid.


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