Sunday, January 15, 2006

No we are not joining

Thats been my answer so many times since last week.

Maybe I'm an extremist, like how there can be feminists, maybe i'm a musicist (??). Yeah I know I said it before that music is a business and whats business when its not about money? Music is entertainment, even in classical times where musicians wrote for the court and the kings and queens.

But then, who can't help romanticizing the fact that there can be music simply for happiness, for fun, for pleasure, for leisure and simply for being just music?

I'm never much for tv competitions. And especially this one that doesn't really know what its doing, but wants to do it. I mean, check out the judges ya?

Nonetheless, I still give my fullest support to the real bands (as in instruments and vocals type of bands.. gotta be specific these days especially after the new definition of bands emerged! *eyes open big*) who joined. But maybe they ought to do originals than simply mayday or beyond (just like bands who take part in other band competitions should stop choosing sweet child o'mine =P). I'll love to see a real band win, otherwise what an awkward situation it would be that S'pore's "Tian Tuan" (cringe at the word they all love to use overly these days...) is a group.. hmmm...

I'm a cynic, I know it. Thats why I'll never join tv competitions even if its to prove people wrong (but wait, as if I have that standard enough to prove people wrong haha *mad*). I'll feel more accomplished if eventually we can pit ourselves against other strong bands (not groups).. I really hope we can some day.

But Yes, I admit, I have been snooping around wondering whats happening and who has joined. Looking at this forum, that forum, looking at blogs (I can be quite kaypoh...).

Well, what can I say? I just hope all these groups and bands can be themselves rather than try to mimic or mould themselves after existing artistes... especialy md =P


At 6:22 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

they have this one particular ad which i hate - the defination of 'bands'. i hate this ad more than i hate the ad where XXOO appears and invite people to join the competition. a turn off.


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