Sunday, October 31, 2004

Introducing.. Zayin

I'm trying to learn the names of the members of Zayin because I finally bought their album! Its a really ugly cover with ugly packaging and design, but who cares haha, coz their music is good. Today, I learnt that all except one of them wrote songs for this album and the members' names are as follows

The vocalist - Valu
The drummer - Alin
The Guitarist - Ti
Another Guitarist - Nu
Bass - Matt

(hahah i managed to type these out from memory, I really didn't peep at the album, hopefully i got them right. Next time, I gotta remember how they each look)

Mayday is coming to town!

Finally... yes finally for a live performance at long long last. The last time they had a live performance here was for the concert on 25th Oct 2003... and its already been more than a year since...

Can you imagine how long my neck has stretched since then, waiting for them to come back?? Not to mention the disappointment of them not attending the 93.3 awards that we paid so much for :( (had to work a whole tiring day to earn that amount!) So I'm quite afraid now that this anticipation would be brought to nought once again, but I shall pray hard that they will really come this time..

Mayday coming back brought back alot of images to my mind, like a movie in reverse replaying itself. From the 2003 concert when I was down with a bad cold but still jumped myself crazy all night (i got more sick the next day of course haha but at that time, i just forgot my illness), to the junction 8 performance in 03 where it was simply fantastic beyond words, being so close up to the stage during a live performance.

Then it was the Tian Kong Zhi Cheng concert in aug 03, where I had the exprience of my lifetime.. never had I felt so exhausted even before a concert started and I so longed to just sit down on the floor. Never in my life have I had to run about on the perimeter of a stadium trying hard to fight my way into the venue, despite possessing a concert ticket which I paid $60 for! But for the first time in my life too, I found myself inside the VCD scene of a mayday concert that I have seen on TV all these years. For that moment, I was living my fantasy which turned out to be a touching, emotional yet physically draining reality. I swore on that day that I would never return there for another concert, I would never be in that mosh pit again, being in the midst of perspiring bodies, with movements not determined by myself but by the crowd.

But now, I really miss that moment. I miss that experience.

Zooming back further, I see images of the first mayday concert I ever attended. The time of my life was then. It was really it, it was mayday finally standing in front of me. They looked so big to me, I remember. I was even so bold then to stretch out my hand hoping they would notice as they walked past towards the stage a couple of times. I remember that moment! Monster gave me a high five! I remember it forever. That was my first 'touch' of mayday. Not to mention standing on the 1st row and looking eye level at mayday performing. It was sweet, simply sweet =D

At that time there was also the autograph session 01 at Plaza Singapura. For the first time, I went to meet Mayday. I never went to their events before because I was a silent supporter all along, until they came for the concert and everything in me just erupted, prompting me to go go go.

That was the day when I mustered the courage to hug Monster, Ashin and Stone. This is something I will never do again haha so it rests somewhere in my memory forever. Interestingly, that was also the day I met my boyfriend who still remembers watching me hug Ashin that day =P. I myself don't remember much of it, it was all just too fast and too unbelievable. Anyway with him ard now, I wouldn't dare to hug them too haha =X

The times when Mayday came were always so memorable and so happy. I just can't thank them enough for all that they have done. They may not know how much they are of an inspiration to a little person like me. But without them, I wouldn't have pursued my interest in music, taking up singing or keyboard lessons, or even dropping my honors program to do a course in audio engineering. Without them too, I wouldn't find comfort when I need most, the warmth and consolation that I always get from their songs. And without them, I would have bypassed friends that I would not have otherwise met in this lifetime.

If you ask me whether I regret loving Mayday. Its not a yes or no answer at all. I just have to say, I am so proud of them and I have always been proud of being a Mayday fan.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Jump away? Hop away? Bounce away? Float away?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many songs out there with titles like 'run away' or 'fly away'? I mean, we can also do so many other actions like jumping and skipping, we don't even really fly in the real sense of the word.

Its probably not surprising that this came to my mind, because I so so so so want to prance away (hahah ok, i'm being stupid here), leave behind all the expectations that have been laid on my shoulders over these years that seem to be getting heavier and heavier. So I guess the best song among these that expresses what I feel right now is in David Tao's "runaway" and Mayday's 瘋狂世界...

我可以 run away run away
不在乎的 run away


And so says F.I.R in a more encouraging way:

Fly away不管未來有多困難
Nothing I will be afraid

Yes, with the passion within us, no matter what lies ahead, we should just fly away..
But is it really that easy? How to when there are so many chains tying you down, how do you take flight? I'm not Achilles, I can't run fast enough before someone catches me back (emotionally), or my own rationality holds me down (hmm.. sounds a little like Hamlet :P).

Sometimes, I wish I could be more '瀟灑'. But then again, its not that simple... this would only be a form of escapism.

Can it be like what is said in Jingru's "Fly away"?

fly away 當我不顧一切無止盡追尋
有一個人 有一顆心 早已經默默之中在那裡

This set of lyrics are not as straightforward, but the way I interpret them is that even if I were to fail while chasing after my dreams, there would be someone there quietly supporting me from falling. I certainly hope my dreams won't become a nightmare. What the future holds I really don't know and I can't clearly see the road in front of me either. After I graduate, what next? The last thing I would want is a dead end job..

I just have to take consolation in the fact that because there are all these songs, it only shows one thing... that there are many others out there who have their own set of problems. Things I'm happy with, others may not be happy with. I could be happier than the person next to me on the MRT by more than an ounce, and that is still considered fortunate. Well, what can I say, I chose the path that I am walking right now, so I just gotta be brave and walk on. Its a path less taken and its a rough track but I gotta dig out watever energy is already depreciating in me, find that drive and keep on running.... till that one day when I can really run away proudly saying that I have overcomed so much, to achieve my dreams.

逆風的方向 更適合飛翔
就這一次 讓我大聲唱

Friday, October 29, 2004


(just being bored, and the thought came to me while I was going to bed last night, so thought I'll blog it =P. My chinese is not very fantastic haha, but its still one form of expression for me)

看不見外面的天空 只感覺到細微的風
看不到前面的路 也只好盲目的走

今天明天會如何 塔羅牌能告訴我
但我選擇 選擇編織自己的夢

我想 我要 為自己而活
拋開別人的眼神 不要作籠中鳥
天上的老鷹盤旋著 自由的穿梭
我也能一樣 學著為自己而活

latte@home 1.18pm

Brain Teaser - 291004

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

and the answer is...... *drumroll*

Dinosaurs laid eggs long before there were chickens!

Thank you to Jean and boh for trying, no prizes though ahha

Zayin's same name album

I never thought that there would be another Chinese rock band that could catch my attention, after the sincerely dedicated Mayday and the radically different Wonfu. But I was wrong, so so wrong. Who would have thought, that Zayin would come along?

I have to admit, I first listened to their songs on mp3 (who said mp3s are bad?! they are only bad when abused). And I still am listening to their songs on mp3 now but I could not resist commenting on their music. There is a sort of warmth, a sort of sincerity in the music, without the multi-tiered decorations of fanciful effects. It is just what you would call, 'band sound', yes, just the way I like it :). It was what made me fall head over heals for Mayday in the first place.

It didn't take long for me to pay more attention to Zayin. Listening through 2 songs, made me want to listen to the rest too. And after hearing the album through a number of times, I just know that I want to watch them live. After all, thats when bands sound their best and I'm truly a sucker for live music too! Now I'm just wondering if they'll ever come to Singapore, especially when they are not mainstream pop and still in the midst of getting popular in Taiwan.

But hey, Wonfu did come! Maybe Zayin would too?!?! (*hope hope wish wish*).

I don't know much about the band yet, I don't even know how they really look like, nor can I memorize their names. But I know this band has already sparked my interest in them and I will be looking out and listening for their songs :)

Which songs are good? I find it hard to choose too coz almost all are really good. But forcing myself to pick one, I pick , Zhong Yu.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Where will the grass be greener?

Right now, I'm just really tired of handling all my assignments. A lot of work is even an understatement of the full scale of school work that I've got to do. Thats for joining a course that gives you a diploma in 1 year and an honors degree after another year =P, I wanted things done fast and its definitely work being dumped on me fast too.

I actually miss my days of working at the airport, meeting people, just moving around, without having to worry about the big word, HOMEWORK. So like they always say, the grass is greener on the other side.

When I was working, I would miss studying. Now when I'm studying, its vice versa. This is probably an almost universal urban phenomenon I guess haha, and probably all readers to my blog would agree.

Just like right now I'm stuck here in Singapore, I wish to be somewhere else. Maybe in New Zealand with the 100% pure air (and 100% pure milk ahhaha), or in the States, roaming the aisles of the huge factory outlets, or in New York, catching a musical every day, or better still, in Taipei, the land of Mayday!!

Yes, I would definitely like that.. to be in Taipei, to attend the many music festivals, band gigs, promotional events, concerts and underground pubs featuring fantastic bands, gorging myself fat (fatter) with the delicious night market food. And I can even live in the fantasy of being able to bump into Mayday somewhere on the public transport or in the streets!! (well, like I said, its fantasy ehheh). That is THE life.

But is it really?

If the grass were really greener on the other side, why would there be such a song,"the green green grass of home" (whats the right title anyway =P). What an irony!

I think it all boils down to perception. We always hope for something better, the possibility and the hope for a better and happier life beyond what we already have, but we just fail to realise that what we already have is also very valuable (as I have witnessed friends around me losing their loved ones over these 2 years). We all long to fly away, to take off down our on paths, to venture into the great unknown with the possibility of achieving our dreams or something great.

I personally do think it is great to be optimistic and to be hopeful for greener pastures, because that is how I want to live my life. It beats being a frog in a well. But I think everyone should while pursuing their dreams, not forget everything and everyone around them now, because it is precisely all these people who will see us through our dreams and aspirations :)

Dare to Dream!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Its a rainy day today...

You must be thinking.. no its not! It hasn't rained at all today.

But I still gotta say, yup it had been raining non stop since last night. I'm not crazy, I just have a crazy nose =\. Once the pipe is broken, the leak is hard to fix. And just like a rainy day dampens your mood (except for those pple who do like rainy days), so does my 'rainy day' make me feel all dreary and tired. At least it succeeded in making me unable to sleep well.

What else but this dreadful thing called sinus.

All these years sitting in a lecture room, my nose just bursts into action and runs like crazy for the whole session. Everyday, I arm myself with 3-4 packets of tissue paper, ready to handle any amt of rain that comes down. At times when I open my bag, shocked to realise that I had forgot to top my supplies that day, I get real worried and try so soo hard to keep back whatever may flow out (ok, apologies if this is getting disgusting.. =P)

Anyhow, I think you got my point. Its an awful thing looking up at the lecturer and constantly having to pull out tissue paper to dry your nose. And I can tell you, that the feeling of having sinus is almost similar to that of flu. Your eyes turn watery, your head feels heavy and you just feel tired.

Ok, enough about the preaching about sinus. On a lighter note, one of my lecturer's actually told me twice before (I think he forgot he ever told me once haha), that people with allergies are intelligent people. Should I feel happy about this and be proud of my nose allergy?

I guess at this point when I can't do anything about the allergy, having tried panadol, clarinase and not yet nose sprays, I should just indulge in this notion and bask in the pride of being the owner of an allergy!

Food for the brain - 271004

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

Groucho Marx

Don't know who this is but i find the quote highly amusing hahahah. chew on it =P

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Taste for Thai

Guess some people must be wondering why I would have a link for Thai music in my blog. Its actually after my trip to Bangkok mid this year when I was watching TV and managed to catch a segment on Birdsek, made up of Bird Thongchai and Sek Loso. It covered an interview with them and showed a number of their concert clips. That made me stop in my tracks, or rather my fingers from channel surfing, for that moment. Because they really sounded fantastic!

I really didn't know much about Thai music then, nor would I even think its good. That is, until I heard them. It might take some others a little bit of getting used to when listening to the language but then again, if we can listen to Japanese, Korean, French that we may not understand, then why not Thai? Why hasn't Thai music been given much chance to expand outside of their country. Although this is with the exception of Palmy, also an excellent singer, who has recently come to Singapore for the Euphoria performance.

Give Thai music a chance, give a listen! That's what I really want to say. Some of them can be really good or even better than a lot of what we may be hearing over our local radio these days. And remove all previous conceptions of how Thai music sounds, as we have so often heard Thai singers trying to sing in Chinese.

There have been Thai songs adapted for Chinese pop music before, with examples from Palmy's "Yark Rong Dunk Dunk" resung by Xiao Xiao in "Ai Yao Tan Dang Dang" and also other examples before that I knew I heard of but never committed to memory because I myself was guilty of bypassing good music, simply because it was not something I was familiar with nor something everyone was listening to.

Some recommendations:
(You can hear these previews all at, although the may not be the best quality sound samples)

Palmy - any song, she's got lots there

Birdsek - quite a number of good songs. you can even click on the album pix to go to another page with more samples.

Armchair - bai duay gun reu blao
Seksun - jai hai bai

I'm still listening too, will continue to check out for good songs and make recommendations for other music, not just thai :)

Food for the brain - 261004

We sometimes feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Mother Theresa

More Mother Theresa quotes here



(excuse the lameness haha.. this is the result of the many years of essay writing)

This is gonna be my new personal blog, aside from the visual journal which will discuss about more 'serious' issues. Just didn't find it appropriate to put my ramberings inside that blog. So tadaa... here's my carrotcake blog.

Why carrotcake you must think? Its my PTT nickname now but it all started a long long time ago, in a not so far away land called a primary school where my best friend gave me this nick name, "Cai Tao Kuey" just simply coz it sounded like my chinese name "Cai Xiao Wei". And Cai Tao Kuey happens to be the hokkien term for our local cuisine, carrotcake, which also happens to be something I love to eat alot haha. And white, simply indicates that it is fried without the sweet black sauce (feel hungry as I imagine the carrotcake =P)

Oh, by the way, the cat of my favourite band, Mayday is also called "Cai Tao Kuey" because his owner's surname is also Cai. Makes me wonder if everybody with this surname given this nick...

The cat himself (well, the cartoon at least)>>>


(take it that its my alter-ego speaking =P)

A rather deviant, cynical, demanding, perfectionist, perceived optimist who thinks that that she is superwoman, always taking on more than she can handle (I know this! but i still do it, sheesh) and ends up falling sick.

Absolutely Mayday crazy.. Mayday inspired, Mayday driven, Mayday everything.

Loves watching archeology programs, is a sucker for egyptology and ancient civilisations (yeah, its the same thing repeated twice haha).

Ambitions since childhood till now ranged from veterinarian, lawyer, storm chaser, archeologist, geologist, sociologist, singer, to now... lost in a recording arts course and not really knowing what her future ricebowl may be.

Things that she is doing at this moment:
1) School work, lots and lots and lots of em
2) Trying to write a song for a friend for a long time
3) Trying to put together a CD for Mayday, which has really been such a long time too
4) Serving God ^_^ by cantoring and conducting for His choir.
5) Working on an upcoming carolling during xmas
6) Trying to earn more money by working once in a while
7) Auditioning to be a singer at a local restaurant
8) Hopefully she will finish reading the very 'deep' aka 'cheem' book by Theodor Adorno that she bought at Borders at not a very cheap price
9) Lastly, chasing Mayday everywhere and anywhere!