Sunday, January 22, 2006

Unfriendly Me

While I was waiting for yj and hx one day at an mrt.. I got hungry and decided to go round the corner looking for food when I was stopped in my steps by a guy about my age.. nicely dressed in a long sleeve shirt and pants. In his hand held a small clipboard with paper and I thought.. hmm surveyor. Here's how the conversation went...

Guy: "Hi, are you waiting for your friends? Can you spare some time to do a survey?"

(Looking at the A5 sized paper in his hand, I thought.. ok, short survey, why not just be helpful for a while)

Me: "Er.. ok..."

Guy: "Are you studying now or working?"

Me: "Um... I'm looking for a new job"

Guy: "Oh! What type of job are you looking for?"

(obviously I seemed to have hit some nail on the head somewhere...)

Me: "A job that is very different and you can't find in the newspapers"

Guy: "My job can't be found in the newspapers too! Maybe I can help you.. what sort of job?"

(he was certainly looking very keen)

Me: "No... *shaking my head and looking to see if yj or hx arrived yet to save me from this ordeal* I don't thikn you can help me"

Guy: "How do you know? If I can't help, maybe my company or any of my friends can help?" (sounding like some da ge da)

Me: "Err... heh *cold laughter* No la..."

Guy: "What was your previous job?"

Me: (damn.. hate people asking me this question) "Can I not tell you? Its personal..."

(He starts to look at me strangely and obviously pondering what I meant by this)

Guy: "We can surely help you to find any job, whether its a day or night job, straight or non-straight (you get the point!) job...."

Me: (feeling quite insulted and frowning) "No, no thanks"

Guy: "Ok.... so you feel that we really can't be of help to you?"

(I shook my head with affirmation)

Guy: "Ok, thank you...."

And he walked away, probably shocked that he walked up to someone so weird hahaha.

And the funny thing was, I never helped him complete his survey. And neither do I know what that survey was really about.

Just his luck to stand right in my path towards the bakery.. on a day when I didn't have lunch and it was already close to dinner time. Which meant that, I was really hungry. Well, he certainly stopped me from buying bread.. and I went back to the station control to wait for the girls =P


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