Saturday, January 28, 2006

summer cleaning

why do we have to call it spring cleaning since there's no spring in s'pore? =P

And so.. I am thankful for cny because it spurs me on to clean my room thoroughly.. or rather as thorough as I can within the time limit. Last year i only managed my bookshelf. Seemed small but took me so long to get everything out, sorted and put back in. After a year.. its messy again but still not that bad. Therefore, this year's mission...

Clear the wadrobe! which is absolutely full of clutter.. and I mean, CLUTTER. My good effort of collecting all these over the 5 years since I moved here. You gotta see the number of plastic bags I've dumped out. Boxes after boxes of electronics stuff... spoilt ones (don't ask me why i kept them), loads of moisturisers, contact lens solutions and what-nots that have already expired, and simply things that I've always kept because of that mentality "maybe someday I will have a use for this"... but that someday just never came. And today.. is the day where all these are to go.

Barely even halfway through, so I gotta continue in a while and when I wake up. Too much to clean.. but I'm learning not to keep unecessary stuff anymore, except for things that have sentimental value.

Cleaning is tiring.. or maybe because its accumulated over the years. But then.. how do I ever find that energy and motivation to keep my things neat everyday?

Anyway the interview today... it went pretty ok. For the first time in my life, I went through an interview in Chinese. It was a challenge in the beginning but after warming up, it got better. There were 4 of them all firing questions at me, but they were still nice as a whole. Will I get the job? Not too sure.. couldn't read their minds, and what's more there were others also there for the interview. But I really hope I get it... actually because I don't wish to attend anymore interviews haha =P

Whatever it is, I have braced myself through it. Didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would be, but still those tough questions were asked. If you are reading this, cross your fingers for me =)


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