As I hear Xiao Hu Shi playing now, it just urged me to blog about Final Home. The memories of that day still remain in my head, but I wasn't able to write it all out somehow.. until now.
Hearing the tune of Xiao Hu Shi, I recall that moment at Final Home, when all the lights were lit up on the stage which was filled with people... Mayday, Energy and all the technical crew, as well as dancers. It felt like a huge party all of a sudden. The lights were also on the audience and everyone cared little but to dance along with the music. It was really a fantastic feeling... at that moment, it did somehow feel as though the world within Taipei's municipal stadium was united... and everything else, all the cares of the real world had dissolved away into the bright lights engulfing us all.
The feeling was so great, that it felt so surreal, even up till now. But this is probably the one image of final home that remains in my mind.
The other very significant moment was when the sparklers began to light up in the middle of the stadium during heng xing de heng xin. For a while I turned to shihao and shirley and asked them if it was already time to light the sparklers.. of course, we were all confused.. but soon, I just began taking in the lovely sight of sparklers in front of me as the light was passed on and the light grew stronger.
And I remember soon after, a staff came along and gave us more sparklers to light up. During that time I was playing with the sparklers, I really forgot what songs were being played. After burning away 2 long sparklers, I still had the one we got while entering the stadium, tucked away safely in my bag for the all important moment when the peace chimes was supposed to go off and we were to pray for the victims of the tsunami.
That moment did come.. as Mayday led all of us to raise our sparklers up in the air, to the tune of Zhe Ge Shi Jie. My short sparkler burnt out very quickly, but what did that matter? I was paying attention to the lyrics of Zhe Ge Shi Jie and staring at the sea of light ahead of me, which for that time, got me lost in another world once again.
While there were such wonderful moments in Final Home, there were also times when I wished that there could be less commercialisation in a mayday concert. Especially when they sang Enrich your life.... I couldn't believe it, I really really couldn't believe it. The anticipation i felt when I heard the introduction, hoping to hear Ashin sing the lyrics of Rang Wo Zhao Gu Ni.... all that anticipation and the heart wrenching feeling just fell flat. Totally flat to the ground when I realised it was Enrich your life instead. Damn.
So many times too, did I wish for Mayday to make use of the stage extension more. Of course, to allow us to see them better too. Which monster did most.. but he got a little too close! What a shock... I really thought he was about to jump down from the stage as he got to the corner. He probably didn't intend to get that far or maybe he just suddenly realised that the stage was too high to jump. But I'm soooo relieved he stopped in time. I knew he was looking in our direction but I was so afraid he'll fall that I was looking at his legs that I didn't notice he actually pointed at us, as all the rest of them said they saw him do. But learning abou it, really warmed my heart :)
Little did I expect it to happen again on the day of the Alive Concert. It certainly made the rushing back from airport to home and from home straight to Fajar worth it. At least, we did once again think that Monster was pointing to us. (Do we always think too much??)
This time, I did see him point and he was smiling quite happily. Well, even if he was pointing at other things, at least it did make us happy haha.
If you aren't a Mayday fan, you must be thinking, these silly idiots.
But, I like being silly. It beats being all uptight or prim and proper all the time. Sometimes, you just gotta let go.
We've been silly... so silly that I've flown to Taipei for the 2nd time for a Mayday concert. Watched 2 rehearsals, one year in the scorching heat of summer, 3 people huddled for shade under a tiny umbrella, downing bottles of water, as we battled the heat to watch mayday prepare for their concert the next day. This year, it was just the opposite.. my teeth chattered as I sat on the grass watching Mayday.. the sky quickly darkening even though it was still pretty early and the cold wind growing stronger. Both times, we didn't stay long.. because of the heat and then because of the cold.
Isn't it sillier that our flight touched down on 15th Jan 04, the day of the Alive concert, at close to 7pm. Then grabbing our luggage at around 730pm , shihao and I rushed back to my house, washed up and ran out of the house at 8pm, with pepper and my dad probably in a state of shock and my luggage all still in the living room haha. At 8.15 we got a cab downstairs.. and close to 9, we reached the venue. Close to 11pm, thats when the 5 people who made us this crazy finally came out, and surprised us all with John Lennon and then Superman.
Was it worth all that cab fare and tiredness? Was it worth putting my dad and my dog in shock for rushing in and out of the house (coming back from seeing Mayday and then going out again just to see Mayday)? Yup, I thought it was. It didn't matter what others thought. At least I've got another mad person together with me haha.
That day of Final Home, my jacket was off, my scarf was off, I was down to my new Mayday Final Home Tshirt and another 3/4 sleeve Mayday 1st album Tshirt inside. It didn't feel cold at all, even with the fine rain coming down on us.
That day of the Alive Concert, I was wearing the same Final Home Tshirt again, but this time, it wasn't the rain coming down, it was prespiration running down my back. And of course it wasn't cold, its singapore!
But both times, we were ready to rock, cued in by the introduction of Sun Wu Kong.
We were ready to just be crazy and silly.
Who cares about the residents around Taipei's municipal stadium or the residents of Fajar. It was there and then, it was Mayday and us.
It was what made all our hearts beat together, to the same rhythm of Mayday's songs.