Saturday, October 30, 2004

Jump away? Hop away? Bounce away? Float away?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many songs out there with titles like 'run away' or 'fly away'? I mean, we can also do so many other actions like jumping and skipping, we don't even really fly in the real sense of the word.

Its probably not surprising that this came to my mind, because I so so so so want to prance away (hahah ok, i'm being stupid here), leave behind all the expectations that have been laid on my shoulders over these years that seem to be getting heavier and heavier. So I guess the best song among these that expresses what I feel right now is in David Tao's "runaway" and Mayday's 瘋狂世界...

我可以 run away run away
不在乎的 run away


And so says F.I.R in a more encouraging way:

Fly away不管未來有多困難
Nothing I will be afraid

Yes, with the passion within us, no matter what lies ahead, we should just fly away..
But is it really that easy? How to when there are so many chains tying you down, how do you take flight? I'm not Achilles, I can't run fast enough before someone catches me back (emotionally), or my own rationality holds me down (hmm.. sounds a little like Hamlet :P).

Sometimes, I wish I could be more '瀟灑'. But then again, its not that simple... this would only be a form of escapism.

Can it be like what is said in Jingru's "Fly away"?

fly away 當我不顧一切無止盡追尋
有一個人 有一顆心 早已經默默之中在那裡

This set of lyrics are not as straightforward, but the way I interpret them is that even if I were to fail while chasing after my dreams, there would be someone there quietly supporting me from falling. I certainly hope my dreams won't become a nightmare. What the future holds I really don't know and I can't clearly see the road in front of me either. After I graduate, what next? The last thing I would want is a dead end job..

I just have to take consolation in the fact that because there are all these songs, it only shows one thing... that there are many others out there who have their own set of problems. Things I'm happy with, others may not be happy with. I could be happier than the person next to me on the MRT by more than an ounce, and that is still considered fortunate. Well, what can I say, I chose the path that I am walking right now, so I just gotta be brave and walk on. Its a path less taken and its a rough track but I gotta dig out watever energy is already depreciating in me, find that drive and keep on running.... till that one day when I can really run away proudly saying that I have overcomed so much, to achieve my dreams.

逆風的方向 更適合飛翔
就這一次 讓我大聲唱


At 1:26 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well written really =O)

Everyone at any one time, has their own set or problems.

Just be happy and strive on =O)

When there's unhappiness, there's the opposite too.


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