Friday, October 29, 2004

Zayin's same name album

I never thought that there would be another Chinese rock band that could catch my attention, after the sincerely dedicated Mayday and the radically different Wonfu. But I was wrong, so so wrong. Who would have thought, that Zayin would come along?

I have to admit, I first listened to their songs on mp3 (who said mp3s are bad?! they are only bad when abused). And I still am listening to their songs on mp3 now but I could not resist commenting on their music. There is a sort of warmth, a sort of sincerity in the music, without the multi-tiered decorations of fanciful effects. It is just what you would call, 'band sound', yes, just the way I like it :). It was what made me fall head over heals for Mayday in the first place.

It didn't take long for me to pay more attention to Zayin. Listening through 2 songs, made me want to listen to the rest too. And after hearing the album through a number of times, I just know that I want to watch them live. After all, thats when bands sound their best and I'm truly a sucker for live music too! Now I'm just wondering if they'll ever come to Singapore, especially when they are not mainstream pop and still in the midst of getting popular in Taiwan.

But hey, Wonfu did come! Maybe Zayin would too?!?! (*hope hope wish wish*).

I don't know much about the band yet, I don't even know how they really look like, nor can I memorize their names. But I know this band has already sparked my interest in them and I will be looking out and listening for their songs :)

Which songs are good? I find it hard to choose too coz almost all are really good. But forcing myself to pick one, I pick , Zhong Yu.


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