Living a dream.. or living in a dream
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
If music be the food of love, play on! and on.. and on..
Each time after jamming, I just want to jam somemore. Its like an addiction. I don't want to work, I don't want to do school work either. I just want to play music.
If only, this can fill the whole part of my life.
But then... we'll have to be good enough first.
I certainly hope we can be :) then we can play music forever.
I know I have a silly dream. Not everyone can live like Mayday, with their own studio, creating music everyday. Not everyone is as lucky. Especially in this small country here.
Guess the idea, is just not to think too much. Get on with life and look forward to making music for those couple of hours a week, with a bunch of people who enjoy it as much as I do.
But I'm kinda worried.. if I continue with this job, how much longer can I keep taking leave (with an excuse that I have to finish my degree work) to go jamming...
Life is still about balancing the practical and a dream, essentially... I've got to learn that better. I just hope I'm not being too greedy sometimes.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Digest this!
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.
-- Dennis Wholey --
Monday, August 22, 2005
I went in search of help for my thesis, but I learnt 2 other things in the process from cbh..
That getting a PHD is like living the life of a musician. Everything is uncertain.
(Although every parent would prefer you to be doing a PHD)
If you have to choose between passion or job stability as your motivation for a career, choose job stability. Because you need it to fuel your passion.
(Unless your passion is commercially viable of course..)
It makes the whole idea of a dream less romantic.
But I think, I'm realising that we can't have everything.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
don't wanna be just like you
"go to college, a university, get a real job,"
That's what they said to me
But I could never live the way they want
That's what they said to me
But I could never live the way they want
I'm gonna get by and just do my time,
out of step while they all get in line
I'm just a minor threat so pay no mind
Do you really wanna be like them,
do you really wanna be another trend?
Do you wanna be part of their crowd?
'cause I don't ever wanna,
no I don't ever wanna be You...
don't wanna be just like you
What I'm sayin' is this is the anthem
throw all your hands up,
you, don't wanna be you
- Good Charlotte "The Anthem" -
Saturday, August 20, 2005
something we can all learn
Some useful phrases that we can all learn from...

The harder you try, the harder you fall
If you don't have it, dont' flaunt it
Don't act smart, if you are not smart
Think before you act
And yes, sh's favourite phrase...
Empty barrels make the most noise
And today, I saw the perfect example of

The harder you try, the harder you fall
If you don't have it, dont' flaunt it
Don't act smart, if you are not smart
Think before you act
And yes, sh's favourite phrase...
Empty barrels make the most noise
And today, I saw the perfect example of
It didn't happen to me, I'm thankful for that. Thankful for the great bunch of friends around me, and thanks hx for waking up so early that day to go all the way down just to sit in with cbh while I talk to him ;) *muack*
Life is never what you imagine it to be
You know.. sometimes you search and you think you've found what you are looking for? But it turns out not quite what you imagined.
In the last 2 months, I've lived a life I could never imagine. I enjoyed the moments.
But, in the process, I lost out on some other things. Things that are in fact very important to me.
I thought that going there was going to get me closer to my dream, but it might have been pulling me from it instead.
I think I finally know what I want. At least there are another 2 more silly people thinking like me and dreaming hard to achieve this together.
Shall we just be silly then? Forget the fact about getting an exciting job and create it ourselves.
知足? nah.. i can never be.
I will never be satisfied staying in a circle.
I will never be satisfied "just gaining experience"
I will never be satisfied watching others from below.
I will never be satisfied if I never tried whats always been in my dreams
Life is weird ain't it? When you think, 'hey, this is it!'... soon you realise, nope, thats not it.
But frustrating as it may be, its what makes life ever more interesting and challenging.
If you aren't happy with the shoes you are wearing, and they ain't comfortable.. why force yourself to stay in shoes that don't fit?
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
My P5
I kinda miss my P5.. we used to be able to take snapshots of wherever we went, took ourselves even in our ugliest looks... but all in good memories of the things we have seen together or on our own.
My wretch album has been deleted (what great news... that's why its called wretch. It sure is wretched). But good thing.. I still got the photos all with me. Just that all my wonderful captions are gone.
I wish I had my p5 when i went about doing what i did for the past 2 months. I wish I could capture all those interesting moments. Can't do that with my newer bulkier camera that my dad chose.
Its kind of a pity that things just passed by without being able to capture them, even though I have pix of one event on my camera phone (which doesn't store much photos.. and takes hellavu effort for me to transfer to my com).. so I lost those moments in time already.
Gotta depend on my memory in future.. but for whatever I've taken, I'll try to share them (whatever can be shared.. not much also haha, my pathetic phone). When I have the energy to transfer them I will!
ps: if you don't know what the p5 is up till now... its a pentium 5 proccessor. yahhh.. *cold* i know.. hahah... its just a sony p5 camera :P
Thursday, August 11, 2005
What for?
I really hate the fan scene.. not just here, but everywhere.
There's too much competition, too much jealousy, too much suspicion. So much so, that I prefer being a regular supporter.
I just want to support a band that inspires me, that drives me to achieve their benchmark.
I've distanced myself now. I don't socialise and I stay as low as I can. I don't want people to know who I am. I just wan to happily enjoy a performance by a band that I love.
These days I don't have that much time to really care about these, but the rubbish still comes walking to me no matter what.
Its hard to escape from it. But seriously, what is there to compete about?
All good things must come to an end
I really felt this today. Just have to say, its a very sad feeling even though we are still our regular joking selves, eating and laughing away, poking at each other, making fun of ourselves... there was still that sense of dread... that it had finally come to the end.
There were awkward silences in between our conversations today.. as though we all wanted to say something to one another, but just couldn't (it was that feeling of not wanting things to just end and move on)
We all worked and toiled just for that day... our countless hours working like mad together, against common enemies and facing common problems.
And that day, has just passed.
Today, we all felt a void. As though the typhoon has suddenly just stopped.
Things are peaceful again... but maybe too peaceful.
It also marked the day that they will leave.
I will miss both of them especially.
J, for all the care she has shown to me.. all that she has taught me, and also always being there to help me shelter off unneccessary pests.
S, for all his nonsense and jokes.... for simply being so bitchy, but always willing to accompany me for lunch or dinner when nobody else is around.
Of course, I will call you guys out again. where else do I find such nice people on earth? From the day I met them, I never felt like a stranger. And altho its only been around a mth, it feels as though I've known them for ages. Feels cliche... but its so true.
Doing this project might have been terrible.. facing some pretty terrible people. But I can't deny what I have seen, what I have learnt, and most importantly, the people I have met. And the people I have grown closer to.
I don't know how my own road will go too after next week.
I hope I get used to working without both of you around. There probably won't be as much laughter, but I still wish both of you the best. I'm sure, we will have the chance to work together again, and I'm already looking forward to that day.
I can only say, I've never enjoyed working this much before.. despite all that rubbish I faced or the tiredness that has overwhelmed me. Thank you guys for giving me so much joy and laughter.