Tpe Photo Blog
And as I always do, I won't be posting day by day events... but just whatever I feel categorizes well together. This time, I shall we starting with f-o-o-d... because thats always been and always will be the best part about tpe...

Our ice feast and a very delicious "guan cai ban" on the day we arrived in tpe =)
If you are wondering, the ice on the left is coffee flavour.. to me, it was just coffee ice, but our coffee lovers simply loved it ;). I still prefer mango haha

SH just had to buy this when he saw the packaging. And how amused we were when we realised the bread was really shaped like a banana... or should I say shaped vaguely like one. Looks more like a boomerang to me =P. And yes, I know the word 'shape' is a very sensitive word these days... *frown*. Expecting some comments to appear under this post soon? *grin*
Fried Durian! in danshui... but the weather was far too hot (hot, is simply an understatement) to even have that urge to try this. Next time maybe hehe...
One of the many 'bian dang' that we had... this one that SH had (Chicken noodles) on the night of the concert, was quite good.. but apparently the best 'bian dang' we ever had.. and we always went back for more, I haven't got photos of it heh.
Here we are grinning like idiots, pointing at who-knows-what because SH didn't angle his camera correctly to show what we are so happy about hahha. Anyway, the answer revealed below!
Its the absolutely fantastic, heat-reducing, mouth-watering, superlicious, can't-get-anywhere-else-but-at-ice-monster's mango ice!!
The focus of this picture... its not the man... but notice the big tenticles in the foreground? Gotta be careful while typing the word tenticles... otherwise it'll be hey, shall we have some test- ermm
The famous "hao da" chicken cutlet. However, the best one is not at shilin, as everyone knows it. Try this one out at Shih Da Night Market. Its the 2nd year we've gone back to eat it and it still tastes great ;)
Another must eat at Shih Da! The best Dou Hua you can ever eat... its true. They won't really sell it to you plain because its tasteless. The brilliance of it comes from the choice of redbean / barley/ peanut soups that they combine with it.
I love 'lu wei'! And again.. this is at Shih Da... definitely the ultimate night market to feast at. Just looking at this picture makes me so hungry now. That day.. was 'intestine day'... SH took so many that ours cost a bomb.. 3 times the cost of what everyone else was paying =_=. But still, I gotta say.. the taste... is worth it!