To 天使

We started work on the same day. Both with our own dreams in mind.
And we have truly come so far...
The late nights we worked together, sharing cabs home or meeting at our 'lao di fang' to catch a cab to events, chatting with you over msn even though you are seated just in front of me. I will definitely miss every bit of them all.
Sometimes I want to tell you to stay and not go. But it would be too selfish to do so.
I know you have your dreams to fulfill and a family to be responsible for.
This period of working with you, I feel you have done more for me than I have ever done for you. I'm a bad friend. Thank you for the breakfasts and patiently msging me every morning. Thank you for always listening to my complaints and frustrations. Thank you for lending me money whenever I was short of it =P. Thank you for the doraemon stuff, the pookie and the many many little thoughtful things you have done just for me.
Never have I had a deeper friendship with any colleague. And I'm so glad that you came into my life =). I'll miss walking into office and not seeing you when I come back.
Have a good break and start afresh at your new place.
Take good care of your stomach too. Don't always buy food and let them get cold before you eat. Eat hot and fresh food!!
你真的是我的天使, 保護著我的天使
(其實你是我們四個當中最不俗辣的嘛, 哈哈)