Thursday, August 02, 2007


This morning I arrived at work as usual, turned on my msn.

Immediately a window popped out.
My taiwan colleague very excitedly asked me this question...

YL: 聽說新加坡下雪了?

I was dumbfounded. I even thought to myself.. did she mean literally snow... or metaphorically.
Not wanting to sound too stupid, I asked...

Me: 怎麼會下雪呢?

YL: 台灣新聞報說新加坡昨天下了十分鐘的雪....


Hmm.. you mean it snowed... and I slept through it? or should taiwan news even be credible? I really started to doubt both the media, and myself

I wondered if it was really as she said... 你們都住在山洞裡

But, eventually, she really did dig out the article that reported this news.
Don't blink, coz here it is:

全球氣候異常 新加坡出現七月雪! 20070731


近來全球氣候異常,歐洲多國氣溫升高到攝氏40度,熱浪造成多人死亡,英國則慘遭豪雨水災肆虐,現在連亞洲的新加坡都出現七月雪的反常天氣。新加坡接近赤 道,向來四季如夏,近日連日降雨,而且從上週五開始就豪雨不斷;日前在雨中竟然夾雜著雪花,讓居民驚訝不已。當地媒體報導,這個雨中飄雪的奇景大約持續了 十分鐘,隨後雨勢減弱,雪花也消失。新加坡官員表示,以當地的氣候來說,只有在海拔五千公尺以上的地方才會出現冰雪,因此新加坡出現七月雪確實讓人驚訝。



Really makes you wonder doesn't it?
But then if it's true, why isn't it on the headlines of our papers and the talking point of every kopitiam in Singapore now?