Sometimes I wonder, if everyone is like me.
Does everyone worry about things at work all the time? On holidays, on leave, on mc, on the way home, on the way to work, in the shower? Always trying to think of what I might have not done right, or how to solve the current problem....
Does everyone sometimes feel that you just can't stand working where you are anymore, then a while later, you realise its actually not so bad after all?
I'm learning to be a 不倒翁
I really don't recall what its called in english.
But it simply means, bouncing up each time it gets hit.
Thats what I face almost everyday. From my boss, from the people around me, from the obstacles I have to stand up against. Its constant worry and in a way, constant fear, because everything depends on me to remind everyone (I really need to install a 2gig RAM and maybe the best processor - argh.. i'm becoming geek-i-fied by SH)
I make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes I don't even know why I could make these mistakes. From inexperience? From not asking enough? For not checking thoroughly? Or just for being 'suay'?
Whatever it is, I'm learning a lot of things everyday through these mistakes.
And each time I fall, I have to pick myself up very quickly.
There isn't much time to recover. The next task stands ahead, awaiting me.
I have to remain clear headed.
I have to know at all times, what I am doing (in fact, what everybody else is doing. Not just in sg)
I have to be able to answer questions at the tip of my hands.
I have meet expectations. High expectations.
It makes me feel stupid sometimes.
But perhaps, there's just too much to learn in this circle.
And being under a boss who does almost everything in the world, even the most absorbent sponge couldn't absorb that fast.
Never have I had a more demanding job.
Everyday, its like a new mathematical formula to solve.
A new enemy to face and conquer.
A layer of tissue to add to my skin (to make it much thicker).
I want to be a 不倒翁. 打死也不會倒!
為愛而生, 為愛而拼, 為愛而死
A doraemon one is not too bad.... hahaha