Has the adventure ended?
I must say that I appreciate the opportunties I've been given.. and joining this company for only less than a year, I've had the priviledge of travelling 3 times with the team.
Its been a week since I returned from Wuhan...

Anyway, it was in general, a tiring and not so exciting nor happy trip.
Here are the reasons why:
1) It was a handover trip for me (which meant I didn't have to do the actual work but did more guiding and teaching). For the first time, I just sat on stage doing nothing... well, almost nothing =P
2) Z my scrabble friend and Y my regular room-mate weren't there on this trip.
3) I had a room all on my own (i'm not so much of a loner, but I got through those 4 days)

4) The tiresome flight transfers from Singapore>Guangzhou>Wuhan and back.
It says 'transfer' isn't it?
Just that this transfer involved, going through immigration at Guangzhou, collecting your luggage, walking all the way to the domestic airport, checking in all over again and going through immigration before boarding the plane to Wu han.

5) During rehearsals, I was stuck in between 2 very very very very heavy smokers. Made my nose run like mad each night I returned to the hotel. I think half my lungs are black by now.
6) First time I went to a country and never really knew what the country was about. Simply because we were only given food vouchers for 3 meals each day. And the food... was the buffet provided at the hotel. On the first day, it was scrumptous as we were hungry to the core... by the 3rd meal.. we were sick of the food because they never did change their menu even during lunch or dinner. In all, we ate around 6 meals there (skipped some breakfasts and had some meals at the venue itself).

Oh yeah... i think i forgot to mention that the hotel is called

I'm pretty glad I don't have to go on the next trip actually.... coming back to s'pore, I really find myself happier without the bosses around hahah (yes thats essentially the whole point). Nobody to pick on all your little mistakes and ignorances.
And no more flights and long bus trips... strange toilets, awkward dinners, inhaling chimneys of smoke, lonely hotel rooms, spending lots of money on personal phone bills...
At least for now... its over. Wouldn't miss the rest of the places coming up. But I really hope to do that one trip..... really really do. I'm sure SH knows which one I mean hehe.
In the meanwhile, I shall enjoy the freedom in S'pore without any governance... and days where my whole department will be empty except for me. hiak hiak... everything is mine to use.