Sunday, February 19, 2006

we have moved

to my mum's old office, the place which used to be all white and old with its creaky shutter windows but is now totally red and artsy with glass panels covering the once-open air corridoors; where i spent many hours of my childhood sitting in the non airconditioned room, swinging my legs as I sat on the chair (which were still too short to touch the ground) happily chopping away on her official files and documents or fiddling with the old fashioned type writer which I was often fascinated with.. so much so that I'll get my fingers caught in between the
type and have letters printed onto my fingers instead; where I remember making my way into that old building with her, up the dark stairs and always hoping I don't have to use the toilet which was so dark and scary to me.

its a really interesting feeling stepping into that place once again after so many years. its one place that i've been at more than anywhere else in my mum's working life of that industry. its a place that i really feel something for.

maybe its meant to be... this new beginning, back at somewhere that i am so comfortable with, but with a new look and a new feel.

in case anyone is feeling confused. yes, my new company has moved its office now to combine with its subsidiary company. we now occupy about half of the entire floor, so much so that my colleague says we can soon call ourselves a 'corporation' haha. And that new office, just so happens to be where my mum worked at years ago =)

was there at the old office at about 1030am today but knocked on the door and didn't get a response, so off I went to have tea and some toilet business before I went back again at 11am and true enough, I knocked, the door opened.

soon more of them arrived but we had to wait till about 2pm before the movers would come to our office to start moving our stuff. this was because they were moving the other subsidiary company first.... that really took ages. by then, we were already quite 'seh' and sleepy from the waiting.

But when the movers finally came, I walked over to the new office to join Y and SZ where we embarked on another wait for the movers to arrive... which they did in about an hour plus. things happened very fast from there... box after box, item after item, we directed the movers... "first room", "second room", "conference room", "store", "follow her"... and within just 1 and a half hours we were done. talk about effieciency =)

oh yeah, and my new table. its in a corner (the one behind, in the photo).. away from the window but i'll have space to keep the stuff and files that i have taken over. i'm already deciding i should put up some elements of md around, to spur me =P, so long as i don't get killed for doing so.

well, its truly a new beginning, a new career and a new environment.

now that we have 'expanded', i've got to slowly get to know the other colleagues as well from the subsidiary company. i think i'll be happy in this company.. at least the people allow me to believe this for now. always happy to get my hands dirty if they give me the chance to help them setup things. although i've forgotten quite a bit of what i learnt last time, i'll remember as i go along, IF i get the chance to help out.

won't have a computer for a while, so i'll be without msn at work for a couple of days, until they get me a new com =). in the meanwhile, i've got quite a lot of sorting to do.


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