Thursday, February 16, 2006

4 more days...

and we'll be moving.. so I've been spending the last 3 days as a full time packer. No wonder he was so happy I could start work this week (*shake head* =P).

but its also a good thing... i'm getting plenty of exercise, stretching here and there, carrying boxes, going up and down the stairs. plus my new diet of reduced carb, hopefully I can cut down on some weight hehe. sorry for digressing from the topic haha... (because I am feeling a little hungry now, just as I have been for the past couple of days since I tried to eat less).

well, as of now there doesn't seem to be much that I have to do (thats supposed to be within my job scope), but i hope things come to me after we move. I'm always more afraid of having nothing to do, rather than being given difficult tasks. Guess I'm impatient too because i hope to be able to learn fast.. and to learn fast, i'll need to have different tasks allocated to me.

feel a little old to be inexperienced in this area, especially when the girl i'm learning from is only turning 21. And my friend who introduced me this job has been in this line for over 10 years.. get this, she's just 29. So, i've got alot of catching up to do. And hopefully learn more than what's within my job scope, so that i'll have the chance to take on other tasks as well in the other departments.

adopting a new lifestyle now.. thats even 'later' (literally) than my previous job. going to work at 11am.. having lunch at 2plus and dinner at 8plus, then sleeping at about 3am. but its a lifestyle closer to my own anyway. I know, i'll never survive working years in a 8am to 5pm job... just having to wake up so early will make me dissatisfied with my job =P

now, for the kaypohs who want to know what we did for vday? what could we do? but our favourite past time... EAT. haha... and since I wanted to cut down on carb.. we went for steamboat near my office. The service was really bad, it was pretty hot.. but the food turned out quite good. Unfortunately when we were happily eating, the entire shop blacked out. Yes.. aircon, fans, lights... were all out, except for the bubbling soup which was powered by the gas stove haha. Wasn't a very nice feeling, and while we were counting down to walking out if the electricity wasn't restored soon... the lights came back on. Then we just hurried to finish up the meal and left. (not a place we would return to anymore)

And so, that was our vday. No flowers, no presents, no vday cliches, not any different from any other day. Why do you need a day to signify anything, when everyday can be special? today, we eat, on vday we eat too, and tomorrow, we still eat! yeah! heheh


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