Wednesday, December 21, 2005

the reason

i like to believe that there is a reason for everything that we do.. and that everything has a meaning to it.

Have I regretted what I gave up along these years? I never regretted that honors, nor the 2nd honors. Neither do I regret quiting this job. As I go through another event that is under my wing, I know I was right to resign.

I began to find the reason.

It was her. I would like to think that its not and I even stopped to wonder if there was some problem with me that I always 'gave up' on things. I don't really give up on anything, I just find more reason in something else. I never do things blindly unless I understand the meaning behind doing so. In that way, you can call me stubborn.

As I thought through trying to truly find out why I couldn't make myself stay longer in the company, it all became clear. That period before and that period after.

The period before, we were led by J1, who was more organised, had a clear mind, great leadership skills and could communicate more clearly and efficiently. Work... became more like fun.

The period after, J2 returned to the company to dominate as the queen of all departments. J1 left because she was disappointed with the company. J2, could multitask very well but was less clear headed, always talked in circles and most of the time contradicts what she says before. Definitely difficult to work for. Things became dreary from then, till now. J2 shouldn't have lost such a good staff like J1.

Today.. the same usual mess due to J2's inefficient communication skills, the bid to always try to do everything and anything.

I know, I can't work under such a leader. Do I regret quiting? I thought of staying on a month or so to help J2 out. I really considered.

But in the end, I know I shouldn't. She's too good at acting blur.

That's why.. I outsmarted her by booking a ticket to HK on the 1st of Jan - my last day, and right after my last event =)

HK here I come!

(Nose running like mad.. just returned from the faraway venue, off to shower...)


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