Wednesday, December 14, 2005

And so it is

been feeling tired lately, lots of pimples erupting, and snacking a lot too..

not very sure why, probably its because work has become less challenging and less interesting. Even though I was working harder and was more drained out in the past, I always felt very good after a night's sleep. it doesn't seem to be that way any longer.

at work, its still quite the same with regards to the finger pointing and the shouting and the scoldings.. which made me decide still, not to extend my stay despite her request. The only thing I could agree to, was to freelance. I didn't want to be bonded anymore to them.

My last 2 true shows with them.. are 2 that I don't really want to do. The last one being the worst... cheesy programme that I don't even want to let others know where this stupid show is. Feel embarassed by it and its really sad that she took it on because of the money, rather than with the true intention of putting up a good show that lives up to our reputation.

Probably, its just this that makes me 'si3 xin1'.

She told me she could help me get a job with U. But later changed the topic by saying that going to E would be better for me, although I later told her i liked changing environments and running around... something that U can give me but E cannot. Well, sent her an email today to tell her alot of things.... shall see what she says tomorrow then.

I hope I can do my last show with S, instead of that embarrassing one.

I'm hoping... but chances are slim, because she needs us each at a different location.

I will miss this crazy bunch of people.. at work throwing paper balls at people, giving all the guys female nicknames, munching on snacks and going to karaoke all smelly and sticky. I will leave, but remember to call me back to help out!


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