Sunday, December 25, 2005


on christmas day?

it does seem to be alittle off for this jolly season. But, I guess.. I'm not really disappointed. I could see it all along. I wonder why we are always thinking so much and worrying so much all the time.

I just get the feeling alot of times, that nobody is really interested in offering solutions or making constructive suggestions. Its been that way for so many issues. Maybe we were slow to realise it, or maybe we just thought we should try to accomodate everybody. Or maybe.. mindsets have deviated and everyone's got different agendas.

But it doesn't really matter to me =). Both of us will still be together anyway whatever it is. We'll still be us.. doing what we always do.

Our agenda is simple.. to have fun, yet remain low.
To have another friend is better than having another enemy.
Consider all consequences before taking any action.
Think of how others will feel, for everything that we do.
And most of all... don't invite unneccessary trouble.

Well.. life goes on.

On a lighter note, we'll be off to hk next week.. after the eeky countdown (that i just can't get out off.. makes it worse that i see the other one advertised all the time). hk! macau! here we come!


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