Tuesday, February 28, 2006

4 days for 2 pieces of A2 boards

Today, as he showed me the pieces of his work he had finally printed out and mounted nicely on compressed boards, I couldn't help feeling tempted to ask, "Is this all?" Considering the fact that we spent days.. nights, and 4 consecutive days of intensive work on finishing it up. And all it boils down to are these 2 pieces of A2 boards.

But ain't it all the same for university? You go through 3 or 4.. some 5 to 6 years of slogging, pressure, intense competition, stress and at times depression or loss, just to finally hold on to one tangible piece of A4 or if you are lucky, A3 paper (laminated). Just to make yourself feel better, you would of course glorify that piece of paper by framing it on the most expensive acrylic or wooden plates. W

Well, then again, we can start a whole new arguement on how studying should be more for a learning experience and not just a paper chase... but its not what I'm going to carry on about here =)

In the last 4 days, admist trying to do up his work, I arranged with hx and yj to transform my room into our mini jamming place. Wouldn't call it a studio because its totally lack of equipment. We wanted to go buy new amps but things cropped up, and we just made do with yj's cute toaster amp for hx, while she lugged her own bass and amp over, and I just made do with my acoustic.

So we gathered around my computer, turned on gtp for the drums, and played along. It made me feel like we were that 3 person band without a drummer all of a sudden =P (that I don't wanna be). How I wish, we can find a new and suitable drummer. Nothing beats live drums really.... but if we were to wait for that right drummer to come along, we'll never move ahead. Is there any commited drummer out there?!?!

Now with 3, we work better and more efficiently. Soon, we'll get new amps (with a bit of strain on the pocket...) but it will definitely be better than constantly trying to book jamming studios. Got the new song going a little. Hope we can keep it going.

Another weird thing that happened... I don't know if I should have told the guy what my job is. So now he keeps msging me, asking me about what I studied, how he should go about gaining experience in this field and even asking when he can come see my workplace. Of course, I just told him that there ain't much to see there haha.

SH said I should be careful.. but I seriously think that the guy is so eager because he's keen on trying to get into this field more than any other thoughts that SH is imagining (I never do think that highly of myself).

But I'll have to admit, each time he msgs me, I do get a little scared... why msg me goodnight when i just sign onto msn (which of course I didn't reply)? Maybe he just doesn't have many friends? Maybe he just hasn't met someone who has done a course that he is interested in doing? Maybe I should learn from yj, and start using my 'block' function on msn... =P


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