Monday, October 10, 2005

A whole new world

Today, I'm still going to blog about them, but not in the same way anymore.

I'm not going to say about what happened today, nor about what they wore, their every gesture nor what I said to them or what they said to me.

Its not that I'm tired of them. They will always have my support and my gratitude for giving me what I have and for helping me realise so many things about my life.

I am just tired of being a 'fan' per-say. I just wan to be someone to appreciates their music. I just want to see them perform song after song. Just give me that and take away whatever autograph sessions.

As performers, I'm sure nothing beats live performances as well.

And looking at them up on that stage today, I was thinking about much more. Don't start hurling things at me but I started to miss my band, and I began to wonder when our next performance can be. I envied them in a way.. for having this chance to perform so often. But then again, they probably have so many other things that aren't worth envying.. especially with regards to having to entertain fans all the time, everywhere they go.

Sometimes, I can see it in their expressions. The tiredness, the cannot-be-helped looks, but still they try their best to smile (this has been and still is one reason why I respect them so much). They may not want to entertain, but they do their part nonetheless.

Its this respect that still drives me to their performances no matter what. As long as they perform, I will definitely be there.

I guess, there are stages to everything. Just like love.
Once you are over the honeymoon stage, you start to see things a little differently.
Puppy love slowly gives way to understanding and respect.

Its probably also that we have sort of found what we want in various aspects of our lives, that we don't need to escape to 'another world' nor find ourselves dependent on others for happiness.

They have made our lives different, but they are not everything.
We have our own lives, just as they have their own.
I'm sure what they want is not loyal crazy fans who just throw their entire lives into supporting and following them.
If they love music so much, to want their music to touch the hearts of people, they would hope that these people find meaning through that music in the pursuit of anything in life.




At 4:59 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have made our lives different, but they are not everything.
We have our own lives, just as they have their own.
I'm sure what they want is not loyal crazy fans who just throw their entire lives into supporting and following them.
If they love music so much, to want their music to touch the hearts of people, they would hope that these people find meaning through that music in the pursuit of anything in life.

was nodding in agreement when i read tis part n hv decided to leave u a comment. yeah. det is wad ppl hu really appreciate their music shld do..det is y i was really disturbed by tis other md fan hu kept on complaining det ming n stone 'dao-ed' her..
shld recommend her to read ur blog really.. ha.


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