Saturday, September 24, 2005

To the gals...

Decided to blog again after reading An's blog.

I agree too, there's nothing I look forward more than our weekly jamming sessions. And 2-3 hours always never seems to be enough. Ideally, we could have our own studio an just jam for 24 hours.. haha, but we will forever be poor, so that will be quite a far fetched dream for now.

It was quite disappointing in the beginning, when we couldn't really get things going.. having problems arranging our jam sessions, couldn't get our sound right and everything sounding so loose, then later losing our guitarist.

But I didn't want to give up... not after it has taken me so long to finally get a band together. And as I always wanted.. a true all girl band. Maybe I'm a feminist, but I want to really prove to the guys that being a good musician is not determined by gender, especially when it comes to bands.
Why should band competitions have a special category for all girl bands? Consolation prize? Which was why we stuck with wanting to find a new female guitarist, or just stick by having only 4 of us.

Along came Deb, and then our opportunity to perform. And very quickly followed by another one coming up tomorrow as well.

Its not just me being egoistic but I really believe we can go further than just have fun jamming in a studio.

Hearing ourselves play now, I can really say that we have improved tremendously after just 2 mths or so of playing together. Lets continue to believe and work hard together. We will own the stage some day :)

I'm happy to have found you guys. Thank you all for filling my life with music and for giving me this chance to live my dream at last. It may not be the ultimate fantasy but I can already say that even if I were to die tomorrow, I will die without regrets.


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