Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Enough of guessing...

I wanted to blog about my KL trip, about the amusing events that happened over the 3 short days that felt more like one entire week went by instead. I wanted to talk about the concert, the politics of the country, the food there.... but right now, I'm totally at a loss.

I was just thinking, how wonderful it is that the mafia has finally gone overseas together once again after going through that messy time. And I was so glad that there has been laughter once again together as a group. But right now, I am taken aback...

What was it? Can you please tell me?
He doesn't have any idea either. Yes, he is just as confused.. which makes me equally confused.

I really don't want to keep guessing. And I'm a person who really doesn't like misunderstandings. It just bugs me... real bad

All I know is that every single person is different and we all have our varying perspectives. We don't have to conform to the way everyone thinks. It is not about group dynamics but more about friendship and friendship is flexible and open... as well as accepting.

I don't blame anyone, don't blame yourself either and don't blame whoever you think might be against you. It might just turn out to be a misunderstanding.

What we need to do, is be open and sort it out.


At 2:31 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friendship is about giving, sharing, understanding and sincerity. It's never a one-way process. It's a cycle. You may delude yourself into thinking that everyone of us Mafias understand that cycle. But what if someone's not? This disillusion gotta stop somewhere.

Stop giving excuses for behaving the way you are. Not everyone needs to be as magnanimous as latte and not everyone with that kind of illness behaves the way you are.

In this case, Misunderstanding is an understatement. Selfishness is the keyword.

Frank and candid - I can be if you want me to. The question is: Can everyone of us mafia accept the truth when all is spelt out? I don't know. My instinct tells me someone among us is not gonna like this.


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