Tuesday, June 14, 2005


its not a bad word... it does not stand for mayday final home either haha.

its just our initials haha.. coz we've got no name yet. And hx feels that the name will come naturally somehow, so if I try to come up with stupid names, i'll get scolded for it =P.

Today's the day.. the day that I've always wanted to experience.. to play together with a band of my own. And I must admit, I never thought that it would turn out this good.. I seriously (don't hit me ok hahha), thought that we would have to practice together part by part before we can go through the entire song. But we really managed to just go through it, as though we've played together before (so now, we really gotta thank modern technology and gp.. for letting us practice our own parts as though we were practicing with a real band).

Although we all had mistakes throughout the songs, despite the noisy amps and crackly cables, and not to forget that mic stand that cannot be bent forward, I really thought we sounded pretty good.. for a first jamming session. Well, maybe the acoustics of the room helped.. and everything sounded loud and full, but I think we most importantly, we were all having fun and we all really wanted to do this for a very long time.

We've managed to conquer 2 songs today (wen rou and zhi ming).. not the best but we will work on them. It felt especially good to hear ourselves play zhi ming.. coz its afterall.. Mayday's signature song. The only problem was, the song was alittle too low to sing haha.. which means the next time round we gotta transpose it.

The uncle there (whom we have coined 'ah pek'... keeps peeking at us, as if scared that we will blow up an amp or something). And hahha I'll never forget how he signalled us (with the last finger) repeatedly to finish up our last song when our booking time was up. Yes, uncle... we could see you very clearly. But really just wished, the time wouldn't have passed that quickly... I wanted to play on.

Looking forward to 2 weeks later, and looking forward to learning 2 new songs too! this time... songs that are at a more comfortable pitch for singing hahah ;)

I hope these 2 weeks go by quickly.. coz I'm dying to go jam again haha. Where's our next location?


At 11:31 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy happy happy.
n u know y.

yap! must pia hard tgt~



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