Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Le miserables

It takes all kinds of people to make up this world. Some are kinder than others, some are more good natured than others, some are more willing to give than others, and some are more compromising than others.

Once in while, we come across the opposite.. and you encounter unpleasant remarks.

I just choose to see it this way...

If that person is miserable and angry, it does not mean that you also need to react in a miserable and angry way. By doing so, you have only allowed the other person to succeed.

It is the same as someone who tries to put you down with criticisms. If they manage to beat you down and you lose your confidence, then they have succeeded.

Why should you let someone else's misery carry off on you, when you can continue to be happy and do more good things to help others... and make others happy in return?

I truly believe in proving others wrong.
And to those who can't find joy in their lives but live in misery.. I can only say, that you have my deepest empathy.

To be happy comes from inside and it comes from being a person who can be loved by others with a true and sincere heat.


At 9:02 pm , Blogger keitsu said...

totally agree....

At 7:12 am , Blogger Andrea Ng said...

I agree as well... hmm.. I dunno wat's going on.. but I really just hope that this whole issue will come to a closure... ;D


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