Thursday, December 02, 2004

The embodiment of procrastination

There are just times like these, when you feel down and you doubt yourself. I'm worried about all my work and I just can't seem to get them done. Its not like me, I know it, I wasn't like this in nus. Is my current school atmosphere to blame? There doesn't seem to be much motivation in doing the work anymore.. there is no feedback, no grades, no one bothering if you even hand up or when you hand up.

Or is it just me? Is it just me losing my energy as I walk along this rugged path.


I understand so much, how Mayday must be feeling as they wrote these lyrics. At times when you don't know where else to gather yourself, you just need some kind of invisible energy to help you, a belief and a hope in something that matters alot to you. To borrow that strength from that ever-strong figure for our own weak minds and bodies.

People used to call me superwoman. In fact, I'm really not. I know I overstretch myself sometimes from all the things that I have to do, and its impossible to do all well.. you tend to neglect some. Just as in Mayday's "superman"

為什麼拯救地球 終於完美結局 為什麼 我只能夠 眼看著愛燃燒成 灰燼

I hope that what I never lose, are my loved ones nor my passion and my dreams.

逆風的方向 更適合飛翔
Is it true?
I always like to do what others don't do. What others find popular, I turn away from it. Its just my relentless bid to be different. I know its crazy, but its the way I define my own identity.
Its going against the direction of the wind.. I do that all the time, just as I did when I took up this course. But flying against the wind isn't always that simple... it takes alot.. and I mean alot of belief and perseverance.

At times I wish I could just have a talk with Mayday about their music compositions, recording or production techniques.. just music talk. I wish I could ask them things I don't know and they could relate their own expertise to me. I don't even really care if I get to take a photo with them, I don't need to sit down to have a meal with them and I don't even wanna try to touch them. Just let me into the studio and watch them record and learn. Let me be able to ask them certain techniques they have used in their recording and them being able to answer readily and openly. I just want to learn...

為什麼要給我 一顆跳動的心臟
又把我 丟在這寂寞戰場
有沒有一點希望 讓我去闖 天涯海角 讓我去闖

But probably its not their choice that they can't..... they are just overpopular in Taiwan and have too many fans bombarding them with questions. Who am I to consult them on such issues?

But all these don't really matter, coz they are things that I can't change. I can only keep working hard to show to Mayday what I can achieve with my own strength and them as role models. I want to have something to show to them when they come back (hopefully). I don't want to just stay put, i want to keep moving.
Let me find this strength, let me just find myself enough to walk towards the first finish line and from there take off for my own dreams..
They've said that the process is more important than achieving the dream itself, but it is also the process that is the hardest....

I have to know that I am not doing all these for anybody, not for Mayday, not for parents, but for myself. The only single thing I'm doing for myself, I can't find that strength...
Focus focus focus....... keep going.....keep looking forward.. the day will come.... dreams can come true...

OH! 啥物攏不驚 OH!向前走

Mayday, help me keep believing...


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