From that day on 29th Nov 2001... we never looked back. And these 5 years have meant alot to me, because I was never alone since then.
Its only the 25th today, but just in case things get a little busy, I decided to post this now. And also because after the work I put in, I can't wait to put it up =P
I'm not the designer.. you are =). But this is as good as I can make it look heh.
Its 5 years compressed into one montage, with the significant memories we've had along the way. See how we've (me...) gone from not so fat, to very fat, and not so fat.. and then fat again. hahahah
Thank you for everything, for being the very best friend I could ever have in this whole wide world. For experiencing the best and worst of life with me....
2001 was when my life really began.
Hope you like this present =)
And lets continue in our goal to just live life and be happy!

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