Friday, November 10, 2006

All in a day's work

If I say I love my job absolutely, its a big lie of course.
And to say I've found what I want.... maybe not.... yet.

But then there is no perfect job in the world. And for me, this job has been quite an achievement. Since its coming to the 8th month since I've joined the company, I figured it'll be nice to give a little tribute to the things that make me love being there =)

After all, its the happy things that matter. Forget the unhappiness, the imbalanced thoughts, the insensitive comments, the biasedness and the 'pmp's... yeah, forget it, and be happy!

Ready or not, here goes...

How can you not love your job when you have crazy and fun colleagues?

Like Mr JS.....
and his 7-mth ge-tai partner Ms Bear
(sorry, don't have a less obvious photo of you haha, so lets leave it to the imagination of whoever's reading).
Together, they are '雄霸天下' (watch for them next 7th month!)

And Uncle Z... (aka. Mr Goofy)
the best mentor ever, who drives us out for 'excursions' but he needs to remember to check the rented car's suspension once in a while hahahah

As well as Ms. 天使 or 天屎 (as she prefers it)
who sits just in front of me. And she's a living doraemon! Open any drawer, anywhere around her, you'll definitely find something to eat when you're hungry heheheh. But gal, dont' just feed us, you gotta eat properly too.

Of course, there's also Miss 冬菇 who drinks tons and tons of water,
Miss '一天一天愛戀' who only spends not more than $4 a day and doesn't drink anything but plain water from the office haha,
憂鬱王子 who always looks ever so 憂鬱 and has the most 'sacred' msn ID not to be revealed unless absolutely necessary,
Miss 雪人... the one who loves to drink lemon tea as much as me

Then... we've also got many visitors every day.. including these little things... hehe

Its Dude, Hamtaro and Elvis!
erm the rest is grass....

Before I end off this post, I cannot leave out the most important section of the entire office...

where can be more important than our...


Of course... its where all the hungry people turn up digging for food and drinks. So its really really really really very important (and it doesn't help that its right next to my desk!)

You see.. our little snack bar is self-generating (since we can't make claims for it), so people pay any amount for what they take...

Here's what it looks like =). The head of a particular person has been 'blacked out' to protect him wahhaha.

Oh yeah, I just remembered one more thing.......
How could I not mention, my favourite bubble milk green tea from maxwell market?

It is absolutely the best!! (no other stall can beat it, you'll have to try it to know why)

Ok, gotta end now..

Work is still work no matter what.. and there are bound to be so many unpleasant things happening. But all we've gotta do is to embrace the good parts of it all, and be happy =)


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