Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The sinang show

Only been back to work for 2 days, but it felt like I've done so much and as though I never left for a break before.

Everything still goes at the same pace. Fast.

I guess I've grown, and I have already learnt to accept things as they come. I am not as picky as before but of course I still hope and dream to have more of the type of events that I desire. But before I can get to do all that, I gotta pick up whatever I can first from weird to posh events.

Today's event, well really quite 'sinang', nothing much to do except for uncle D's performance and our very new star that I think has a lot a lot of potential. Even though he's only 14, we call him the 'shi nai sha shou'. Personally, i think even at that age, he seems to have more stage presence than uncle D =P.

Today came a very very 'distinguished' guest also. But the most interesting part was the fashion show. I'm sure the guys backstage got a feast for their eyes. But you know how too much of good stuff can also make you bored. Imagine flesh coloured images in front of you but they could still eventually just fall asleep, bored from doing nothing but watching.

Will have a fun concert coming up next month. Looking forward to that one, but not to another event that I'll be taking charge of at the end of next month.. sucky clients =X.

Well, not every apple you eat is sweet anyway.
Here comes my twisted logic haha...


(yes, my excuse to mention my favourite song again hehe)


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