Monday, October 31, 2005

Beautiful Sunday

I loved this concert, probably the best one we have ever done. Its not even pop or rock and it didn't even have to involve Mayday.

It was the lush green settings, people on mats with their picnic baskets lounging in the shade, dogs running all over the place and children as well with balloons in hand. It was really the perfect picture of a beautiful sunday afternoon.

Bust most importantly, it was the music. The jazz band, the acapella, the songs chosen... (makes me all the more eager to just go take up jazz piano). I guess I'm just a sucker for jazz stuff.

I really wished I was in the audience instead, on a picnic mat, just watching the show.

It opened with Beautiful Sunday.. so apt, but in bossanova style (blew me away), then came so many remixes of other songs. Can't deny that uncle D was good today. So was our little 14 year old 'shi nai sha shou' who already has fans from aunties to little girls who just sat watching him and shouted 'byebye!!' (high pitched..) to him.

The crowd was also excellent, so sporting and so emersed into watching the show. I seriously never thought there would be that many people at that place. But I wish, more people could have seen the concert, especially my friends who love music so much as well.

Changed my perception of parks here.. they can be really nice places for relaxing as well.


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