Sunday, October 30, 2005

when its time to go, its time to go

What happens when the job that you strive so hard to get, turns out very differently from what you imagined it to be.

Thats the way of life, or rather, the reality of life, as some of you might put it.

True, but also not true.

I was told that I would do a certain job before i first joined, but when I finally stepped into the company, I was pushed into another department. Fine I thought, I'm alright with doing all those until they employed more people.

But more things unrelated to what was agreed on, piled onto me. I pushed them away, it worked but only for a while. Now, its back to square one once again.

This is only one of the disatisfactions.

The rest of the unreasonable employment terms and shortchanging of overtime hours and claims.. I guess I won't mention too much here. We all know about how bloggers can even end up in jail.

I don't even mind the shitty low pay, but it makes me unhappy to be treated unfairly like an idiot, cutting people's leave, having weird calculation for OT hours, poor employee benefits close to none (hope I haven't said too much)

Reality? more like reality gone real bad. how do you fix a company like that when the problems are the bosses?

So, I guess, it should be time for me to leave soon.

job hunting time....


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