Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Meeting Day

Yes, it was a day spent solely on meetings and of course, with the little time I had back at the office, answering or rather entertaining call ins.

The day started out at Orchard, then to NUS, back to office, then taking a walk to Oxley Rd and even walking pass a certain minister of ours' house.. looking at the 2 guards standing strangely outside of it, following which we finally went to get some lunch and J went to buy cushion covers. Headed back to office and soon off I went to S** where I fell asleep waiting an hour at the reception for the 2 girls who were suppose to be there to audition.

In the midst of it all, I took down so much that I've got to do.. maybe too much. I have to do some taiji soon. I've only been there 4 mths plus but then now that S is on leave, i've become the most senior (quite a joke actually) and so the bulk of responsibilities come to me.

Had a chance to spend alot of time talking to J today, about her daughters.. about our productions and also about what she intended for me to do. Seems like she wants me to take on quite a bit of interesting stuff, that's pretty major in scale too but then, I still feel I should move on away from this company.

I do like doing the work, but its not enough. I don't feel the appreciation.
I don't feel the understanding that I or any of the other staff need for a job such as ours.

If they treasured me and trust me by handing me such responsibilities, then it should also reflect in the pay. As an intern, I wouldn't mind. But now that its my full time job, it has to take into consideration more than just good will and a learning experience.

I hope to move on. But whether I get the job now really depends on my friend and his eloquence... its a company I would really love to join. But whether the grass is really greener, I don't know. I just have to try..


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