Thursday, July 14, 2005

I will survive

a cool job comes with a price..

you work lots of overtime, or turn up for work far earlier than you should even if you left real late the previous day.

you run all over singapore, from very cold air con to intense heat.

you sit through all sorts of weird briefings, meetings and discussions after discussions.

you get more and more responsibilities day by day and from one project, it blossoms very quickly to up to 4 or 5 projects at one time.

and you sometimes work 7 days a week... all without OT

and you are lowly paid

of course, there's the good part.. its cool..

you get to meet interesting people from interesting organisations

you get to meet certain VIPs and certain exclusive people

everyday is far from boring because you are presented with something new almost everyday

you don't have to sit in the office all day because there are times when you'll be running all around

you get very whacky, easy going and noisy colleagues

and most importantly, i think it does suit me

this is probably my most hectic job ever, almost the most lowly paid but the one that I have truly learnt alot in just less than 2 weeks.

Seems to me that my boss thinks I would stay long, even though my status there is just an intern, so i've been thrown certain big responsibilities. I would love to take them on and hope I won't screw up, but I also hope my stamina can last that long. I would want to if I can... at least to be able to experience more challenges or have my chance to lead in a project that I have always dreamt about.

All these make me not regret walking the road I did 2 years ago.
And I certainly hope I'm not speaking too soon (coz i might just end up complaining that I'm burnt out haha =P)

Well, I just hope not! I will survive!!


At 10:05 am , Blogger ツリちゃん☆ said...

It's always heartening to see people enjoying their job so much :)


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