Tuesday, April 05, 2005

this blog entry shall be titleless

why? because I can't think of a title.. and not everything needs a title, does it? :P

anyway, here i am, still at home haha... will only be leaving for work at ard 6pm.. well, only for today, because I have an appointment. But other days, i'll rather go earlier then I can leave early too and spend the rest of my day doing constructive stuff. I'm seldom very constructive knowing that I have to go out later in the day... so i just spend my day waiting for that time to come. How interesting isn't it? If anyone every wants to do a psycho analysis of a lazy person, here's one good subject for you (me haha).

in my mind, i'm just thinking, i'll pick up on my school work after THEY leave. yes, THEY are coming this friday, and i'm choosing not to work at all that day. who are THEY? I think alot of people reading this blog know it... THEY are the ones whom I am indebted to (for giving me the courage to take the road less travelled, for gathering the people who are at my side now) and THEY are the ones whom I have spend so much of my time on. I don't know if its worth it.. but at least I know i'm enjoying it for now.

SH's mum always 'scolds' him for spending so much time doing 'mayday work' as if there's money to earn from it. ok, from a less realistic point of view, why does everything have to do with money right? but when you out enjoying yourself.. and you feel your money depreciating, then you'll start appreciating the truth of such words.

oh well.. "only in their dreams can men be truly free".. free from the harsh realities of life, free from any fears, free from any struggles for power or money.

I'm living a dream now... most probably.. at least I think so, because I'm earning so little from it and I'm surrounded by such nice people hahahah. Please don't wake me up for now.

But remember to wake me up when I need to actually finish my sch work to complete the dreadful degree :)


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