Sunday, April 08, 2007

Twisted logic

Ministers who deal with billions of dollars cannot be paid low salaries without risking a system malfunction. Low salaries will not attract able men who are or can be successful in their professions or business.

Low salaries will draw in the hypocrites who sweet talk their wayinto power in the name of public services, but once in charge will show their true colour, and ruin the country.

This has happened in many countries

Dear mm,

Pardon me, if you feel that I don't understand politics or how the country is really run.
Of course, we are grateful for how our country has turned out. Nice, clean, disciplined, safe.

But enlighten me on this.

Money prevents corruption?
Money prevents greed only to attract the best?
If I'm a hypocrite, I'll only be attracted by money.

Then tell me please, why are there now so many less-than-desirable general practictioners who care less about a patient's health, than how many patients they see a day; how much medicine they can prescribe to 'milk' the most out of that patient's condition; and simply how almost every symptom can be diagnosed as a common cold?

Tell me too, why there are more teachers these days (because you guys said that pays had to be raised in order to attract more good teachers to the teaching profession) who are also less-than-desirable as teachers. I don't have to see how they teach, but look at how some of the younger generation is turning out...

In case anyone got me wrong, I don't mean all G.Ps and teachers in general. There are still good doctors and teachers out there, otherwise we would be in dire straits now.

The case is the same for politics. No?
Maybe these people are just in the wrong party.

If you are so sore about comparing your salary to what 'could have been' if you were a top lawyer, then get real, don't be a politician.

Just as how we are expected to work for our passion... being possibly the worst paid, in terms of skills and specialised knowledge, in this entire economy. If we are to complain about how we are poorly paid, we would just be told that this industry isn't suitable for us.

Go get a normal stable high paid job then.

Maybe being a maid in a foreign country could earn me more than I do now.

......your apartment will be worth a fraction of what it is, your
jobs will be in peril, your security will be at risk and our
women will become maids in other people's countries" - MM Lee


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