Thursday, November 11, 2004


Its weird that the english title for this song is 'enrich your life'. It totally takes the romanticness out of the song, the touching lyrics and the way it seems to speak to me. The arrangment of the song is simple, its rhythm changing, flowing and moving along as the emotions of the lyrics unfolds itself. But all hitting the right notes at the right time that it strikes a chord in me.

Why is it that when I listen and sing to this song quietly and alone, it always almost drives me to tears?

This is probably one of the more "Mayday" songs in this album, the Mayday that I have gotten used to over these 4 years. It is also probably the reason why I could comfortably engulf myself in what the song is really trying to convey. So much so that each time I sing to the song, I feel myself become the protagonist of the song..

坐在我身旁 你的心傷 不懂 我也不想 但你的眼淚 下在我心臟
回家的太陽 紅著眼框 心疼 妳的模樣 影子的悲傷 也變的更長

So many times I see him upset beside me but unwilling to open up his thoughts. I can't understand his frustrations but I feel his pain as much as he does.

昨天誰讓你 受過傷 今天想要讓你 都遺忘

Whatever or whoever hurt him yesterday, even if it was me, I hope to take away that pain today.

是你 愛你讓我變的更強 為你戰鬥永不投降
讓我照顧你 我要讓雨停出太陽

With him, I can do more things, I become stronger than I really am. I want to shelter him from any storm, to take away all hurt, disappointments and fears.

我超越我自己的想像 風雨刀槍能為你擋
讓我照顧你 讓你未來放在我肩上

I find strength in him to do for him and myself, things that I never thought I could do before. And even if it meant tiring myself out, I am happy and I will always help him carry his burdens every step of the way.

新的冷笑話 巧克力糖 開始 為你收藏 最近連睡覺 手機也在手上

To make him happy, I'll get the things and food that he loves. To always be there for him when he's not there beside me, I go to sleep with my handphone clasped in the palm of my hand.

幻想著未來 滿頭白髮 公園 的長椅上 你也許會說 一聲謝謝我
如果這一生 到盡頭 換你這句話 很足夠

There's nothing I really want in return for all that I am doing. Even a simple thank you satisfies me, and just as seeing him happy also makes me happy in return. Life can be as simple as this.

Maybe Ashin really does knows what he's talking about in his lyrics. Or maybe its a story he imagined that happened to be mine. There is no complexity in this song - its melody, lyrics nor arrangment. It not only speaks to me, I feel that I am speaking for it.

I hope I didn't raise the goosebumps of those reading my blog :). But I'm sure that there are others out there whose own life stories fit into this one that Ashin has drawn, and maybe his own too?


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