Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Women, don't complain!

How is it that I can read this piece of news up and down, left and right...
And still feel that its not going anywhere, nor are any true issues being addressed by the speaker at all.


" The 1,700 people present at the dinner were told that the overall higher employment rate of seniors in recent years owes much to the rise in the employment of female workers."

Note, that we are not told next how a correlation between the rise in employment of female workers and a higher employment rate of seniors, can exist.

I would surely like to know this enlightening fact...
But perhaps, the reporter was confused too?

"But, Mr Lim said, the employment rate of women would soon hit a ceiling if the problems they face are not resolved"

Yup, for sure! So how will they be resolved?

"Many females today are better educated. Without children, they are high- performing individuals. Their employers expect the same level of performance, after the children come along. They themselves are unprepared to lower performance and adjust to lower jobs with lower pay. If fathers take their share of the duty, it will help," added Mr Lim.

Oh, you mean that once they have children, their performance as an individual drops?
Yes, if fathers take their share of the duty, it helps.. but it involves more.

What are employers doing for these women? What can the govt do, to make it more favourable for these women to continue to be 'high-performing individuals'?

Wasn't it govt-initiative to encourage more educated women to have children, so that we can not only counter an aging population (Mr Wang enlightens us on this myth) but also maintain the 'intelligent' gene pool that our MM always places so much emphasis on.

After all, women need to have children so that the country doesn't have to be so bo-bian and rely on FT you know...

But no! The country needs them to do their part as women (who asked us to be born as lowly women) and give birth to more babies, but don't blame the govt when you can't get a job after having a baby. Because you should learn how to lower yourself and be willing to accept lower pay.

Mr Lim said if the employment rate of seniors is to be raised, more must be done to help younger women stay in the work force because if they drop out, getting them back will be difficult. "

Ok, we got it already that more must be done. So what will be done?

"Mr Lim also spent much time discussing the challenges of helping older workers stay employed. "

Oh, you mean that's all that will be covered on the topic of women when the headline states this:
Govt to help raise employment rate of women: Lim Boon Heng

And as all good obedient media should do, the story ends off with something more cheery (unlike women and older people not being able to stay employed who we cannot help if they don't learn how to be more flexible and accept lower pay because they aren't like the top men in govt)

"At the dinner, Mr Lim, who was the former secretary general of NTUC, received the Distinguished Comrade of Labour Award for his outstanding contributions to the labour force"


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